Thank you for trying Blobbo Lite. Blobbo is a game of pure strategy (no luck, no reflexes) that is both simple and yet addictive (I know, you've heard this before...). Blobbo Lite lets you play all 25 levels (and this includes saving and restoring your game) - this is a complete game. For more help and information, see the Blobbo online help (located under the Balloon Help menu for System 7 users).
System Requirements:
Blobbo runs in both black and white as well as color, and runs under systems as old as a MacPlus running 6.0.8. Color, of course, is nicer, but you can get by without it.
This distribution includes, besides the game and this read-me file, three saved games, in case you get too frustrated. Also, for those of you running System 7 Pro or 7.5 with AOCE, Blobbo Lite has been signed with the digital signature of the author, so you can verify that you are playing what I wrote.
Blobbo Lite may be freely distributed - give it to your friends! This game is designed to be an ad for the real ("registered") version of Blobbo, which includes the ability to create your own levels, play other's levels, and record and playback solutions to these levels. It also includes solutions for all 25 levels.
If you like Blobbo Lite, and want more (I'm not going to try to guilt you into paying just because you've played the game every waking hour for the past two weeks - I'm going to off you incentives!), send $20 (US funds only please) to:
Glenn Andreas
171 83rd Ave NE #304
Fridley MN, 55432-6822
MN residences add 6.5%.
I can be reached electronically at:
America Online: gandreas
Internet: or
When ordering, please use the following form:
---------Blobbo Registration Form------------
State:__________ ZIP ____________
(The information below is to help me better create games that will be playable on the widest variety of machines)
What type of machine will you be playing this on:
How much memory:_________________________
How much disk space:_______________________
How much of that is free:____________________
What size monitor:_________________________
Version of System file:______________________
Any other system information you might think is useful